Study Opportunity: Making Mindfulness a Habit (with Bridget Rolens)

Insight Meditation teacher Bridget Rolens is offering a new online-line course, “Making Mindfulness a Habit.” The course meets weekly on Wednesdays at 6:00 - 7:00 PM through May 5, 2021. The course is open to anyone who already has a basic understanding of mindfulness and wants to integrate it more fully into their lives.

For more information or to register, please contact Bridget at or call 314-369-1391. The fee for the course is on a sliding scale ($15-$75), more or less as participants are able.

Bridget has provided the following description of the course:

Our habits create our lives. Where mindfulness has become a habit, we find ourselves more resilient in the face of the difficulties and challenges of life. This class will focus on building the habit of mindfulness through both formal and informal mindful practices. The class will include: goal setting; guided mindfulness practice; and discussion. Video recordings and guided meditations will be provided along with other class materials.