Beginning February 4, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "Developing Wisdom, the Four Noble Truths, and an Overview of the Noble Eightfold Path" by Jill Shepherd. This dhamma talk was originally presented on February 20, 2017, at the Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre in Medlow Bath, Australia.
Jaya Rudgard, "The Golden Thread of Equanimity"
Beginning January 21, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "The Golden Thread of Equanimity" by Jaya Rudgard. This dhamma talk was originally presented on October 22, 2018, at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
Tim Geil, "Wisdom and Compassion"
Beginning January 7, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "Wisdom and Compassion" by Tim Geil. This dhamma talk was originally presented on August 20, 2018, at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
Insight Chicago - James Baraz Retreat
Our friends at Insight Chicago are hosting a 3-day “Awakening Joy” retreat with James Baraz on March 15-17. Please visit the Insight Chicago website for details.
Greg Scharf, "Suffering and the End of Suffering"
Beginning December 2, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "Suffering and the End of Suffering" by Greg Scharf. This dhamma talk was originally presented on July 24, 2018, at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA.
Holiday 2018 Schedule
The Prairie Sangha will not meet on December 24 and December 31.
Joseph Goldstein, "What Mindfulness Is and What It Isn't"
Beginning October 29, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "What Mindfulness Is and What It Isn’t" by Joseph Goldstein. This dhamma talk was originally presented on July 22, 2018, at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA.
Chris Cullen, "Reflections on the Practice of Anatta - Not Self"
Beginning October 1, the Prairie Sangha will listen to "Reflections on the Practice of Anatta - Not Self" by Chris Cullen This dhamma talk was originally presented on July 19, 2018, at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.